October 14, 2024 ICRWC minutes
President Cherylyn Kerley called meeting to order at noon at Trails. She introduced Janessa Pogue, Idaho County State Committee Woman and Senator Cindy Carlson. Prayer was led by Kathy Miller and Pledge by Cindy Carlson.
Sue Kinner moved to approve minutes, second by Marlene Wood. Minutes approved.
Treasurer report by Cristy Imus: Previous Balance $1216.00; plus $40.00 new member; final balance $1256.00 $1070 of that is for the Essay contest. Membership dues of $40 per year are due by January.
Cindy Carlson gave a report of her activities and concerns. Some of which are the Federalist Committee which has been meeting this summer,fires and losses of cattle and wildlife, election, Prop 1 of which Cindy said she would vote against if it passes the general election. Water issues at
Elk City as the Tribe is putting beaver dams on Elk Creek, Deconsolidation of School District 244, illegal aliens taxing our way of life. She will take on Health and Welfare if she gets on the JFAC committee. Cindy would like information on Chem trails and manipulations of storms. School choice, fix the library bill and get it passed. Get information about what happened with the vaccines. Clean up the voter rolls and get dead people, etc. off the rolls. Pass a bill to allow a beautician to go into homes to do manicures, pedicures or haircuts for people who are home bound as Idaho does not allow this. As far as voter ID, illegals cannot get drivers license in Idaho. Something that the police in Idaho are dealing with is illegals who drive a car with Insurance and registration but no driver’s license. Why is this happening and who is doing it? Idaho Committee for Good Government has donated money for Tate Manley, ICRCC Youth Chair, to be in Boise and help Cindy read bills, etc.
Janessa Pogue gave a report on canvassing Idaho County Oct. 4 & 5 against Prop 1 and how successful she felt it was. She will be moving to TX in January to work full time for Patriot Academy.
Contact Cami if you would be willing to help her with our Facebook page.
Marlene Wood reported on the state women’s meeting of which Marlene and Cherylyn attended and were very dissappointed.
Essays are due Oct. 15.
Sunday Nov. 10, 2pm at the Community+ meeting at the Sr. Center in Grangeville, Kate Hartley will speak on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. Please bring refreshments.
Next meeting is Nov. 11, 2024. Bring a Thanksgiving themed item for our door prize.
Meeting adjourned.
Marlene Wood won the door prize.
Members present and hours worked:
- Christy Imus 3
- Marlene Wood 36
- Cherylyn Kerley 56
- Cami Strasser 2
- Kathy Miller
- Patricia Menough 35
- Rachel Beeson
- Cindy Carlson 160
- Marlene O’Neill
- Sue Kinner 122
- Lu Crea 4
- Janessa Pogue Guest
- Bobbi Blakley Guest