ICRCC November Meeting Minutes 2024


The regular monthly meeting of the ICRCC was held at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville on November 19, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice-Chairman Glen Poxleitner. 

Roll was taken and 21 members were present. We had a quorum. 

PC Kim Kivela-Kalmukos led the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

There were no additions to the business agenda. 

The minutes from the October 15, 2024 meeting were approved. 

Treasurer Patricia Menough reported all transactions of the old ICRCC have been completed and the remaining balance from the old account now shows on the new ICRCC account report. Patricia circulated the complete Treasurer’s report. The complete report will be attached to the official meeting minutes. 

Standing Committee Reports 

Event Planning Committee Report 

Committee Chair Patricia Menough included her report on the Lincoln Day Dinner and the Raffle with the Unfinished Business agenda items. 

Fundraising Report 

Committee Chair PC Cory Koole included his report on the Lincoln Day Dinner with the Unfinished Business agenda items. 

Public Relations & Publicity Report 

Chair Mary Mangold reported her work the ICRCC website (idaho.idgop.org) now includes an online option for purchasing ICRCC Beef Raffle tickets. Contact Mary with information to be included on the website and shared with the public. 

Local Elected Officials and Other Reports 

Idaho County Sheriff 

Sheriff Doug Ulmer reported the beams for the new jail building are up and hoping for the roof to be in place before winter weather hits. He is exploring the option of purchasing pre-made freezer meals for inmates from a company in Washington. Sheriff Ulmer also reports a 3rd drug dog will soon be on the force giving the communities of Grangeville, Kooskia, and Riggins a K9 unit. 

Idaho County Republican Women’s Club 

Club Chair Cherylyn Kerley was not present. Club member Patricia Menough reported the club now has their charter. The group is willing to help the ICRCC with the Lincoln Day Dinner silent auction and asks for additional help from ICRCC members. The group may also request a stipend for their assistance. 

Representative Kyle Harris 

Representative Harris attended the meeting. PCs had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss election results and upcoming legislation. 

Unfinished Business 

Proposed ICRCC By-Law Change Treasurer Patricia Menough proposed an ICRCC By-Law change to Article 3 Section 4 at the October 15, 2024 meeting. The proposed amendment was sent to all committee members for review to meet the 30 day by-law review requirement. The amendment was read, discussed and approved. The approved by-law addition is attached to the official meeting minutes. 

Raffle Update Treasurer Patricia Menough reported that some PCs have picked up raffle tickets to sell and encouraged those who have not gotten tickets to pick them up before leaving the meeting. Each PC needs to sell a minimum of 10 tickets. Flyers are also available to promote the raffle fundraiser. Patricia has been working with Public Relations Chair Mary Mangold to make raffle tickets available to purchase from the ICRCC website. Mary reported she has completed the task and the online raffle ticket purchase option is active. Nearly 40 tickets have been purchased through the website and the process is working smoothly. The winning ticket will be drawn at the December 17th ICRCC meeting. 

Lincoln Day Dinner 

Fundraising Chair PC Cory Koole is finalizing the event details. He presented an draft event flyer promoting table sales with raffle ticket packages. PCs will be receiving event flyers and tickets to sell soon with a list of businesses in their area to approach for donations as well as ticket sales. PC Roy Farmer has been in communication with the office of Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador who is scheduled to be the guest speaker. 

Elections Results 

Chair Vince Rundhaug shared Idaho County election information. Voter turnout of 83% was exceptionally high with 78% of voters casting republican votes. These overwhelming results were consistent with the defeat of Proposition 1 in Idaho County and the state of Idaho. Vince commended everyone’s efforts in making this happen. PCs are encouraged to visit the Idaho County website (idahocounty.org) for specific voter information in their precinct. 

New Business 

Censure of Hyrum Erickson – Chairman Vince Rundhaug presented a letter from Bryan D Smith regarding the censure of Hyrum Erickson. Vince moved to support the letter with minor language changes. The motion was seconded and passed. Public Relations Chair Mary Mangold volunteered to work with Vince on the appropriate changes. 

Sales Tax vs Property Tax – John Silveria presented the committee with a brief history of school funding asking the ICRCC draft a letter to our state legislators asking them to run a bill eliminating the property tax levy for school funding and replacing it with an equivalent sales tax increase. Youth Coordinator Tate Manly moved the ICRCC draft a letter supporting the elimination of title 33-802 and replacing it a sales tax increase as reasonable solution to be reviewed at the next ICRCC meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. Public Relations Chair Mary Mangold volunteered to draft the letter. 

The next meeting of the ICRCC will be on December 17, 2024 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Grangeville Super 8. 

PC Doug Boggan moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

Susie Heckman 
ICRCC Secretary 

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