Regular Monthly Meeting: Monday, November 11, 2024
President Cherylyn, called the meeting to order at noon at Trails Restaurant. Kathy Miller led the prayer and Barbara Morris, a guest and veteran led the pledge.
Essay winners Hannah Schwartz and Carli Strasser were presented their prize money by Marilyn Giddings. David Rauzi took pictures for the paper.
Sue Kinner motioned to approve the minutes, Cristy seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
Cristy gave the Treasurers report. $1256 in our account. Pat motioned to approve the report, Andrea second. Approved
Vince gave a report on the recent election and the raffle for the ICRCC.
Marilyn thanked everyone for the help with the Essay contest. She had 3 judges and 14 essays.
Sue Kinner informed us of her effort to collect money for the signs “In God We Trust”, our National motto, and placed them in the schools. She bought seven signs and donated them to the Grangeville school. They must display them in a prominate place as per the law.
Under New Business was discussion about a nominating committee. Rachel Beeson may run for Treasurer, Sue Kinner for Secretary, and Patricia, 2nd vice. We are still looking for a President.
Lincoln Day dinner is February 22, 2025 at the Elks in Grangeville. Raul Labrador, Idaho Attorney General is the speaker. We discussed the auctions and any help would be apreciated.
Vince told of projects that he has in mind to continue to get our conservative message out.
Patricia told of an online fund raiser through See’s candy. Tabled.
Rachel won the door prize.
Next meeting is Dec. 9 Dues of $40 are due.
Cristy motioned to adjourn, Marlene W. seconded.
Lu Crea 4 Cristy Imus 4 Marlene Wood 5
Cherylyn Kerley 16 Patricia Menough 25 Cami Strasser 2
Marilyn Giddings 40 Kathy Miller 30 Sue Kinner 50
Andrea Soltman 15
guests: Barbara Morris, Hannah Schwartz, Carli Strasser