ICRCC- October Meeting Minutes 2024


The regular monthly meeting of the ICRCC was held at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville on October 15, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairman Vince Rundhaug. 

Roll was taken and 22 members were present. We had a quorum. 

PC Ron Buck led the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Chairman Vince Rundhaug presented a letter from PC Roy Farmer giving his proxy vote for tonight’s meeting to Treasurer Patricia Menough. Request approved. 

There were no additions to the business agenda. 

Treasurer Patricia Menough moved to approve the minutes from the September 17, 2024 meeting. Seconded and passed. 

Treasurer Patricia Menough reported all transactions of the old ICRCC have been completed and the remaining balance in the old account will be transferred to the new ICRCC account. Patricia requested Chairman Vince Rundhaug sign the necessary bank documentation to close the old account. The complete report is attached. 

Standing Committee Reports 

Event Planning Committee Report 

Committee Chair Patricia Menough reported the Lincoln Day Dinner has been set for February 22, 2025 at the Grangeville Elks Lodge. Additional details for this event will be included in the Fundraising Committee report. 

Fundraising Report 

Committee Chair PC Cory Koole presented a Lincoln Day Dinner event flyer with suggested Table Packages and asked for ideas from the committee. The list of businesses in each area and the flyer will be emailed to the committee and reviewed at the November meeting. These businesses are potential auction item donors as well as potential table/ticket buyers. Maximum seating for the event is 300. 

PC Ken Frei moved the ICRCC hold a raffle with the prize of half a beef, cut and wrapped, (donated by Ken) and available for pick up by mid December. The motion was seconded. PC Bill Widner moved to amend the motion to set the raffle ticket price at $20 per ticket. The motion was seconded. PC Megan Turner moved to amend the amendment to sell a maximum of 250 total tickets. The motion was seconded and the amendment to the amended motion was approved. The amended motion was approved. The motion to hold a raffle with the prize of half a beef, cut and wrapped, available for pick-up in December selling a maximum of 250 total tickets at $20 per ticket was approved as amended. 

Public Relations & Publicity Report 

Chair Mary Mangold reported she continues her work the ICRCC website – idaho.idgop.org and the ICRCC FaceBook page. Contact Mary with information to be included and shared with the public. 

Special Committee Reports 

Proposition 1 formerly Ranked-Choice Voting 

Chair Vince Rundhaug reported PC Roy Farmer did a very good job sharing the facts about Prop 1 at Candidate Night held in Grangeville on October 9th. We were well represented by Senator Cindy Carlson, Representative Charlie Shepherd and Representative Candidate Kyle Harris. 

After Action Report – Voter Canvassing 

State Committeewoman Janessa Pogue reported voter canvassing went very well. Over 800 households were visited including Grangeville, Cottonwood, Riggins, Stites, Kooskia, and Mt. Idaho. A total of 37 people participated in the effort on October 4th and 5th. ICRCC allocated $2,000 to pay a stipend to those canvassing and 

to provide lunch for the workers. Janessa reported they came in under budget as some volunteers did not take any payment. She is returning $1,008 to the committee. Region 3 Chair Nick Woods explained the Numinar statistics gather from canvassing and answered questions about information available through the program. 

Local Elected Officials and Other Reports 

  • Idaho County Sheriff 

Sheriff Doug Ulmer was not present. 

  • Idaho County Republican Women’s Club 

Club Chair Cherylyn Kerley was not present. 

  • Senator Cindy Carlson 

Senator Carlson was pleased to announce Youth Coordinator Tate Manly will be her intern for the upcoming legislative session. This internship is being made possible with partial funding for the internship coming from Idaho Citizens for Good Government (ICGG). ICGG is part of the local Kamiah Community Plus Organization. 

Unfinished Business 

Signage Placement 

Chair Vince Rundhaug reported 4 sets of Trump & Prop 1 signs (4 x8) have been placed (Pollock, Ferdinand, Kooskia /Kamiah, Grangeville). There is one set yet to be placed. Small size Trump/Vance signs are available. 

New Business 

National Motto Signs 

Sue Kinner reported legislators passed a law last year allowing school districts in Idaho to display a National Motto sign, “In God We Trust”, if certain requirements are met. Sue presented this at different meetings she attended and received small donations to cover the cost of the signs. The signs will be placed in Grangeville (high school, elementary, middle and District Office), Kooskia (high school and elementary) and Elk City school. 

Watch the Vote Event Chairman Vince Rundhaug asked if there was interest in having a “watch the vote” gathering on election night. PC Cory Koole, Blue Fox Theater owner, agreed to the theater as a possible event location. 

Proposed ICRCC By-Law Change Treasurer Patricia Menough proposed an ICRCC By-Law change to Article 3 Section 4. The proposed amendment will be sent to all committee members for review to meet the 30 day by-law review requirement. The amendment will be discussed and voted on at the November 2024 ICRCC meeting. 

Announcements Chairman Vince Rundhaug has forwarded 3 GOP Newsletters to the Committee. Vice Chair, PC Glenn Poxleitner will Chair the November ICRCC meeting Grangeville Poll location has been changed from the Armory to the Senior Citizen Center State Committeewoman Janessa Pogue has accepted a new job in Texas and will be stepping down in January. 

The next meeting of the ICRCC will be on November 17, 2024 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Grangeville Super 8. 

PC Megan Turner moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

Susie Heckman 
ICRCC Secretary 

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