The regular monthly meeting of the ICRCC was held at the Super 8 Motel in Grangeville on September 17, 2024. The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chairman Vince Rundhaug.
Roll was taken and 22 members were present. We had a quorum.
Youth Coordinator Tate Manley led the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The business agenda additions included a request by Janessa Pogue to show a video from the ICRCC Idaho County Fair parade float and PC Bill Widner requested discussion on HB 627. PC Glenn Poxleitner moved to accept thee business agenda with additions. The motion was seconded and passed.
PC Mike Kindrick moved to approve the minutes from the August 20, 2024 meeting. Seconded and passed.
Treasurer Patricia Menough reported the ICRCC has opened a new account in an effort to comply with all banking regulations. A balance of $1,297.65 was left in the old account to cover outstanding checks. The new account has a balance of $26,530.00. Patricia presented a bill for State dues in the amount of $1,851.36. PC Roy Farmer moved to pay the dues. The motion was seconded and approved. There was discussion about investing a portion of ICRCC funds. Patricia recalled formal motions made regarding investing funds at a previous meeting. Secretary Susie Heckman will review past meeting minutes for further discussed at the October meeting.
Standing Committee Reports
Event Planning Committee Report
Chair Patricia Menough’s report will be included in the information with the Fundraising Committee.
Fundraising Report
PC Roy Farmer reported he and others on the committee had met with Elks Lodge personnel prior to the meeting to ask questions and pay the reservation fee for the Lincoln Day dinner; however, he received a phone call after leaving the Elks Lodge letting him know they had double-booked the event date and their facility was no longer available. Roy will continue to look at other locations and contact our guest speaker to inquire about alternate dates. Roy also reminded everyone to turn in a contact sheet to identify potential donors in their area. This contact list needs to be completed and returned to Event Planning Chair Patricia Menough right away. Fundraising Chair, PC Cory Koole presented a Lincoln Day Dinner event outline. All suggestions are welcome.
Public Relations & Publicity Report
Chair Mary Mangold reported she continues her work the ICRCC website – and the ICRCC FaceBook page – Idaho County Republicans. All information on both platforms is up to date. Mary suggested everyone visit the website and become familiar with the available information. Contact Mary with information to be included and shared with the public.
Special Committee Reports
Proposition 1 formerly Ranked-Choice Voting
With the election quickly approaching, time is of the essence to educate voters in our county. Discussion was held regarding various ways to educate voters. PC Bruce Walker reported the Grangeville Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring a Candidate Night on October 9th and including Prop 1 information, both for and against, may be possible. State Committeewoman Janessa Pogue and Youth Coordinator Tate Manly suggested door to door canvasing of the more populated areas of Idaho County. Chair Vince Rundhaug shared the latest version of the Prop 1 brochure and discussed the possibility of sending the brochure directly to voting households.
PC Kim Kivela-Kalmukos moved to authorize payment of $25 per day per person for 20 people to canvas door to door. Motion died for lack of second. PC Bruce Walker moved to canvas the most heavily populated areas of Idaho County paying the canvasing group a maximum amount of $1,000. The motion was seconded. PC Glenn Poxleitner moved to amend the motion authorizing payment of $50 per day per person canvasing with a
maximum payment to the group of $2,000.00. The motion amendment was seconded and passed. The motion to pay each person canvasing $50 per day with a maximum payment to the group for canvasing not to exceed $2,000.00 was approved as amended.
PC Mike Kindrick moved to have any voting household in Idaho County not being reached by canvasing receive a Prop 1 mailer with ICRCC paying all mailing costs. Motion was seconded and approved. PC Jim Passmore moved to cap mailing costs of the Prop 1 mailer at $1,000.00. Motion was seconded and failed.
Recent Event Report
Idaho County Fair Parade Chair Janessa Pogue reported the parade went very well. She shared a video of the event. Janessa moved to pay Kate Foster $40 for the production of the parade video. The motion was seconded and passed. The committee was reminded to request payments or project funding prior to any work being done.
Local Elected Officials and Other Reports
Idaho County Sheriff
Sheriff Doug Ulmer reported the new jail building is progressing and going well. His department has been handling a larger number of missing person cases recently keeping search and rescue busy.
Idaho County Republican Women’s Club
Club Chair Cherylyn Kerley reported the ICRWC Proposition 1 event held on September 8th in Grangeville was attended by approximately 40 people. The group is sponsoring an Essay Contest with a $500 award each for 13-15 year olds and 16-18 year olds. Contest information was been given to all area schools. The group also distributed pocket constitutions to the schools in celebration of Constitution Day. The group meets the second Monday of each month at noon at the Trails Restaurant in Grangeville.
Legislative District 7 Central Committee
Legislative District 7 Central Committee Secretary Kim Kivela-Kalmukos sent an email to all ICRCC members regarding by-law updates for District 7. Kim asked that everyone review the bylaws attached to the email and respond to her with suggested updates and meeting time recommendation as soon as possible.
Unfinished Business
Proposition 1 Handouts & Signage Placement
Chairman Vince Runghaug shared the most recent version of the Prop 1 handouts. These can be given out now and they will also be included in the mailer being sent out in Idaho County.
There are 5 sets of Trump & Prop 1 signs that need to be placed in a secure, visible location as soon as possible. These signs are 4×8 and need to be framed. Potential locations include 1. Bill Widner, Riggins 2. Betty Cloninger, Kooskia 3. Betty Cloninger, Grangeville 4. Ken Frei, Ferdinand 5. Ken Frei, Johnston Cut-off.
New Business
Goldback Currency
PC Bill Widner asked the ICRCC to support legislation making gold and silver legal tender in the state of Idaho using the Goldback. Bill will email additional information to the committee for discussion at a later meeting.
Chairman Vince Rundhaug has forwarded 3 GOP Newsletters to the Committee.
The next meeting of the ICRCC will be on October 15, 2024 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Grangeville Super 8.
PC James Zehner moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susie Heckman
ICRCC Secretary